It been ages since i last update this blog... Everyone might just get bored with me since i'm always busy working or lazy around...
Honestly, yes... i'm busy...
At wrk... i always set my mind to hit e sales target that way i can get nice number of commision eventhough my basic salary is already at a pretty sum. But i'm a human who always want more and more.
While all my other friends or ex-school friends are busy at poly and even ITE... ME>> i'm nothing compared to them... i have to go much longer way compared to others...
Currently, i'm making a decision...
i used to thought that i'm able to manage my time wisely. But i guess i'm wrong... i'm unable to do so. I'm going to be 19th in like 8 more months...
January INTAKE is starting very very soon therefore... i decided to welcome back my study mood..
I'm making a decision between this two.... but i'm a fickel minded person so i need help... do help me see for the better...
Choice A or B.
A> Retaking my O'level subject which is only my English N Maths..
B> Skip my retaking o'level and MOVE on to the private Diploma...
so which one is better??